How to Avoid Needing Collision Repair This Summer

June 6th, 2024 by

Summers are for road trips, beach adventures, and soaking up the sunshine. However, increased traffic and distractions can lead to accidents that need collision repair. At Sunroad Collision Center, we want your summer to be safe and enjoyable — here are some vital tips to keep you collision-free while driving.

Commit to Distraction-Free Driving

Distracted driving is a constant threat, but summer activities can worsen it. Commit to putting your phone away this summer and avoiding anything distracting you from the road.

Adjust for Summer Conditions

Increased traffic congestion and higher temperatures can affect road conditions. Slow down in construction zones, be mindful of motorcycles weaving through traffic, and leave ample following distance between you and other vehicles.

Mitigate Sun Glare

The California sun is relentless, and its glare can make it difficult to see. Keep sunglasses handy and adjust your visor to block the sun. With more people outdoors, be extra cautious around pedestrians, cyclists, and children.

Be Prepared for Downpours

While San Diego, CA, may not be known for frequent rain, summer thunderstorms can pop up unexpectedly. Turn on your headlights to increase visibility and slow down considerably when caught in a downpour. Avoid using cruise control on wet roads, and be extra cautious when making turns.

Avoid Drowsy Driving

Summer road trips can be long, and fatigue can set in quickly. Remember to consider the dangers of drowsy driving. Pull over at a safe rest stop, nap, switch drivers, or grab a refreshing drink if you feel tired — it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Need Collision Repair in San Diego, CA? Consider Us First!

Being a responsible driver and taking precautions can create lasting memories. But if the unexpected occurs, Sunroad Collision Center is here for you. Our expert team will handle your repairs efficiently and get you back on the road this summer!

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